History Courses Offered, 1934-1951

Course list - Chronological.pdf

Chronological listing of 
history courses, 1934-1951

Course List - Theme-1.pdf

Thematic listing of
history courses, 1934-1951

This database is a collection of all the history courses offered by the CUA History Department between the years 1934 and 1951, with the exception of the 1935-1936 academic year. This information was obtained from the CUA course catalogs; however, there was no course catalog available for the 1935-1936 academic year, so this is why we were unable to obtain the course list for that year.









Beyond the course name and number, the database contains additional information about each class, including a description of it, the listed instructor, the room it was assigned (when available), and any prerequisites necessary to enroll in it. This database is part of a larger project that analyzes how World War II and its aftermath affected the CUA History Department.