Mother Jones Collection: Subject Index


Letters and Pictures


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 8 November 1902


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 2 April 1902

Anthracite Coal Strike (1902)

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. After Convention."

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. 'Riot' During Strike."

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. After a Mass Meeting."

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. Waiting to Hear Whether Coal Strike Would be Called Off."

Anthracite field

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Barney (person)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 23 June 1902

Barret (reporter of the Scranton Truth)

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. After Convention."

Ben Davis

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 23 June 1902

Brookline (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 7 February 1902

Brother Carrell

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

Buffalo (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 2 April 1902

Carrell (Brother Carrel; Board Member)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

C.D. Wright(from Indiana)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 8 November 1902

Cedar Grove (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Clark Johnson

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Coal barons

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 25 July 1902

Coal companies

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

Comrade W (Wilson?)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902


John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

Copertone Local

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, [September] 1902?, Undated

Corporation hounds (Corporation thugs)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 23 June 1902


John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Duncombe (person)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 2 April 1902

Employment (of Local Men)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Fairmont District (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 13 June 1902

Fayette (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

George W.Harltein

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. After Convention."

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 15 September 1902

Green Wood

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Hazleton (Pennsylvania)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

Huntington Conference

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 2 April 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 13 June 1902

Illinois Joint Convention

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

Iowa convention

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 25 July 1902


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 23 June 1902

Jack Roahen

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

John Lang

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 7 February 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

John Learning

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

John Walker

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Judge Jackson

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 25 June 1902

Kanawha (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Kelly Creek (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Labor movement

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

Lens Creek (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Lewis (person)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Local organizer

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

Local union

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Mass Meetings

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 2 April 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 7 February 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Morgan (person)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 23 June 1902

Morris Creek (West Virginia)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

Mount Hope Local

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Mulligan Brigade (s)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 2 April 1902

Murray (person)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

National Convention

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 7 February 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

National Local

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

New River District (West Virginia)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Norfolk & Western

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902


John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 13 June 1902

Olymphant (Pennsylvania)

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. 'Riot' During Strike."


John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Organizations of Labor

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 25 June 1902


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, [September] 1902?, Undated

Organizer Tincher

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

Paint Creek

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902


John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 25 June 1902

Pres. Vanhorn

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 2 April 1902

President Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Commemorating Peaceful Settlement of 1902 Anthracite Coal Strike.

Reese (person)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 15 September 1902

Rend's mines

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Richards (President)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902


"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. 'Riot' During Strike."

Scranton (Pennsylvania)

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. Waiting to Hear Whether Coal Strike Would be Called

Shamokin (Pennsylvania)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Smothers Creek (Indiana)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Springer (person)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

State Convention

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

Streator (Illinois)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 15 March 1902


John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 10 May 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 13 June 1902

Strike movement (in West Virginia)

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 13 June 1902

U.M.W.of A. (United Mine Workers of America)

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. After Convention."

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. 'Riot' During Strike."

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. After a Mass Meeting."

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. Waiting to Hear Whether Coal Strike Would be Called


Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

Washington (DC)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 2 April 1902

West Virginia

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 7 February 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 27 February 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 6 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 14 March 1902

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 6 May 1902

John Mitchell to Mother Jones, 15 September 1902

Wilkes-Barre (Pennsylvania)

"United Mine Workers of America. Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. Waiting to Hear Whether Coal Strike Would be Called Off."

Wilson (Secretary)

Mother Jones to John Mitchell, 25 July 1902

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