Crook, Louis Henry (1887-1952)

Louis Crook was born in Havre de Grace, Maryland, but spent most of his life at Catholic University, beginning at the age of two when his father became the University's general manager. He received a bachelor's degree in 1909. Following graduate studies at Catholic University and John Hopkins University he became an instructor in theoretical and applied mechanics at Catholic University. Between 1917 and 1924 he worked part-time with Alfred Zahm, who was then at the Naval Aerodynamical Laboratory. Together they wrote the first complete text on airplane stress analysis. Mr. Crook's interest in wind tunnels, which began while he was a student under Dr. Zahm, continued throughout much of his career. He built a tunnel in McMahon Hall that was later moved to the Chemical Laboratory, as well as several tunnels on his own property where he pursued research for private inventors and industrial concerns. He wrote 337 wind tunnel reports and pursued research in various branches of aerodynamics including supersonic craft, guided missiles, and aerodynamic balances. Also known for his interest in athletics, Mr. Crook was the planner of the stadium built at Catholic University in 1924. After his death a Catholic University Air Force squadron was named for him, an honor usually reserved for high-ranking members of the Air Force, in recognition of his contributions to aviation.