Browse Items (918 total)

Summa Theologiae (1773), Cover.
Volume 1 (Prima Pars) from a set of the Summa Theologiae in Latin from 1773, published in Rome. This set has 5 volumes and each item is 42 cm tall. This particular volume is 29 cm long and 6 cm wide with a black and white cover with a red and beige…

Summa Theologiae (1581), Cover.
Volume 1 from a set of the Summa Theologiae in Latin from 1581. This set has 4 volumes and each item is 34 cm tall. This particular volume is 25 cm long and 5.5 cm wide. There is a bookplate in the front cover bearing the name “Wallworth” and a coat…

Summa Theologiae (1607), Cover.
This particular Summa Theologiae has 5 parts in one, Prima Pars, Prima Secundae, Secunda Secundae, Tertia Pars, and Supplementum, which makes it different from the other copies being featured, because those only have one part of the Summa. The text…
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