This first incunabula is a larger book, which is quite imposing at first glance. The first thing you notice is the solid wood cover covered in pig skin (which is contemporary) and has metal clasps; it is one of only two books in this exhibit that…
This manuscript is from 1478 and was created in Austria. It is a copy of St. Thomas Aquinas Quaestiones de duodecimi quodlibet, and it is 30 cm tall, 23 cm long, and 5 cm wide. Quaestiones is a series of questions and answers, that prominent Catholic…
This first manuscript codex was created around 1460 in the north of France. This item is 31 cm tall, 24 cm long, and 8 cm wide, with 350 leaves on a combination of parchment and paper. This codex is the first half of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary…
Volume 1 from a set of the Summa Theologiae in Latin from 1639. This set has 9 volumes, from v.1-5 and v.7-10. Each volume is 14 cm tall and 8.25 cm long. The width on each volume differs according to the length of the work. There is a bookplate…
Volume 1 (Prima Pars) from a set of the Summa Theologiae in Latin from 1773, published in Rome. This set has 5 volumes and each item is 42 cm tall. This particular volume is 29 cm long and 6 cm wide with a black and white cover with a red and beige…
Volume 1 from a set of the Summa Theologiae in Latin from 1581. This set has 4 volumes and each item is 34 cm tall. This particular volume is 25 cm long and 5.5 cm wide. There is a bookplate in the front cover bearing the name “Wallworth” and a coat…
This particular Summa Theologiae has 5 parts in one, Prima Pars, Prima Secundae, Secunda Secundae, Tertia Pars, and Supplementum, which makes it different from the other copies being featured, because those only have one part of the Summa. The text…
This first pamphlet is titled “St. Thomas Aquinas: an outline of the Summa Theologica” which was prepared by Rev. George Q. Friel, O.P. in 1950 through Providence College Press. This pamphlet is bound paper, with an orange soft cover that appears to…
Donated to The Catholic University of America (CUA) by the Catholics of Great Britain and Ireland (residing in Rome) in 1889. According to the 1889 Year Book of CUA, “The well-known effigy of the Saint, on the Pincian Hill, was at first considered…