Good Intentions


Sermons, 1872 © Dept. of Archives, Manuscripts, and Museum Collections, The Catholic university of America

Rom VIII.18-23
Luke V.1-11

Pentecost 4

A Good Intension

1. A good intension is whatever you do or omit to do as St. Peter did “For God’s sake.”

2. An Intension that is neither good or bad before God.

3. A bad intension, when something is done or avoided for the sake of evil.

A. Evil Intensions. & Evil Intensions to Evil acts.

B. Evil Intension that exil be done. & Evil Intension in doing good.

4. A good Intension should be made every morning and it is good to renew it. If a Sin is commited it must be renewed.

5. A good Intension in doing Evil.

6. A good intension in Suffering.

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