About Those Who Created This Site


Rachel Barham & Maurice Saylor battling with herald trumpets

The CUA Historic Music Project took one and a half years (and counting). We had to unearth, reconstruct, edit, create new editions, and track down histories of the music on this site and the people behind it.

Maurice Saylor, Rachel Barham, and Thad Garrett shared in the work of discovering the items.

Maurice foucused on the research and reconstructing, editing and engraving the scores.

Rachel helped in the interpretation of the data and editied all texts.

Thad was the mastermind behind design and consistency of the web page.

Robin Pike and Leslie Knoblauch located and scanned many of the images, and Steve Cherry advised on technical issues of the website. Special thanks to Steve Connaghan for approving this massive project.

The work continues...