Reagan, Msgr. Donald J. (1923-2004)

Class of 1969

Arranger of Piano/Vocal and Wind Ensemble/Orchestra versions of "Guardian of Truth," 1977

Composer of "Alma Mater," 1976

Obituary from Mt. Saint Mary's Seminary in Cincinnati, Oh.:

Monsignor Donald J. Reagan, former associate director of field education and former director of the pastoral internship program at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary from 1984 to 1987, died August 24. He was 81. Monsignor Reagan, a priest for the Diocese of Youngstown, was pastor emeritus of Blessed Sacrament Church, Warren, Ohio. Monsignor Reagan was a Catholic school administrator in the diocese and held a variety of parish pastoral positions. The monsignor taught music at St. Joseph Institute of Music in Indiana and at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He has many published music compositions including the Mass in jazz style, many titles in “Glory and Praise” and “The People’s Mass Book”. He is a past president of the National Catholic Music Educators Association. He held masters and doctorate degrees in music from the Catholic University of America. Monsignor Reagan retired in 1988. Funeral Mass was at St. Columba Cathedral, Youngstown.